ASHTABULA — “Beauty and Brains,” an empowerment workshop for women is planned for Saturday at G.O. Ministries, sponsored by the Gemstone Ministries Team of Ashtabula. Octavia Yates, spokesperson from the Gemstone Ministries, said the group is passionate about Ashtabula County.“It is our vision that the young teens and adults of Ashtabula know that they are worth something; they are somebody,” Yates said earlier this month during a presentation to City Council. “It’s our vision that these individuals see that they can be greater than their surroundings,” she said. “They do not have to turn to drugs, addictions, etc. but can be taught and encouraged to fight the odds and come out successful; it’s our vision that they rise up and look beyond what they see.”Gemstone’s “Beauty and Brains” event will be 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at G.O. Ministries, 3703 Station Ave. There will be free food, free giveaways, raffles and workshops. ”We see ‘gems’ all around the city that may simply need a little support and encouragement to keep pushing,” she said in news release. “If you are that person, reach out, we are here.”
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